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$1 Budget Template (Excel)$1

We've all lived paycheck to paycheck before. What gets us out of this cycle is understanding where our money is going. How do we find out where our money is going? You guessed it, budgeting! 

 Get a template now, for only $1!

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WAIT! If you're paying off debt, get this eBook too! 

Only $8.97 if you order now ($20 value). 
- Learn How I Paid off $80k of Debt
- How to Adjust Your Money Mindset
- How to Budget (The Right away!)
- How to Strategically Eliminate Expenses
- How to Plan Your Debt-Free Date and 
- How to Travel For Cheap

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I love the simplicity of your budget template. It's very beginner-friendly and not intimidating at all! I used it to make a budget for my brother, and I'm excited to see him use it! Thank you!

Megan Moyer
  • Total payment
  • 1x$1 Budget Template (Excel)$1

All prices in USD
